We Affirm That Black Lives Matter

Sep 28, 2020

Our Commitment to Action

It’s the duty of each employee, leader, and executive at Groupon not only to affirm the incontrovertible fact that Black Lives Matter. It’s our duty to educate ourselves about Black Lives Matter, to understand the call to action, and to act upon it.

It’s our duty to acknowledge how systemic racism, oppression, omission, and silencing have occurred—and continue to occur—within Groupon itself. Pushing back against those systems isn’t enough. It’s our duty to dismantle those systems. 

It’s our duty to listen to our Black employees, customers, and merchants. To amplify Black voices instead of speaking for them. To celebrate and—most importantly—to join in the work of our Black co-workers, merchants, friends, families, and members of our communities. It’s our duty to help them heal local communities, and create change around the world.

It’s not enough to act once. It’s not enough to act once in a while. It’s our duty to dedicate ourselves to the persistent action it takes to bring about change.


Ongoing Actions Within Groupon

Groupon is launching new programs to put power into the hands of our employees of color, our minority-owned business partners, and people from diverse communities all over the world.

Listening & Learning

We want to be there in any way we can for the Black community and black-owned businesses. We’re asking our merchants and employees to tell us the best ways we can help. We need to listen first before we act.

Supporting Our Merchants

We are reaching out to our merchants and inviting them to partner with us for change. They’ve shared how they’ve been affected, specific kinds of engagement they’d like to see from Groupon, and ways they’re willing to lend their own expertise. Our Inclusion & Diversity team is currently expanding its work with minority-focused small business associations to connect our merchants with other financial and support services to aid in recovery efforts. Direct input from our merchants will drive Groupon’s efforts to rebuild our diverse communities and make them stronger than ever. 

Amplifying Black Stories

We’re making an ongoing effort to seek out and highlight Black-owned businesses through our social media and other initiatives. Through our #PassTheMic social initiative, we’re transforming our social-media platform into an amplifier of prominent voices in Black communities. We’re partnering with leaders in Black communities and allies for change, and amplifying those voices to our audience of 22MM+ social-media followers.

Mobilizing Our Employees

We’re mobilizing our employees to get involved as an active force for change. Groupon teammates have stepped up to create more space for Black employees to make their voices heard, to share resources, to engage with our diverse communities, and to support one another through allyship. Our Inclusion & Diversity team continues to work across the organization to build a more empathetic global community. 

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