Groupon Getaways Cancellation and Refund Policy

Cancellation options vary for Groupon Getaways deals, depending on how you booked your trip.

Self-service cancellation of a reservation, when available, can be processed on the mobile app or website. Learn about Canceling an Order.

If You Booked Your Dates on Groupon

  • The cancellation policy will always be listed in the Fine Print.
  • If the deal is listed as non-refundable, or the cancellation deadline has passed, your reservation can’t be canceled.
  • If the cancellation deadline listed in the Fine Print hasn’t passed, you can cancel your reservation yourself by heading to My Groupons and selecting the order for the reservation you want to cancel.
  • If your deal was listed as a Groupon Getaways Market Pick in the deal description, and you would like to cancel your reservation, please continue below to contact our customer support team.

If You Booked Through the Merchant

  • The cancellation policy will always be listed in the Fine Print.
  • Self-service cancellation is available for unviewed vouchers on the day of purchase.
  • Once a reservation is booked, you’ll need to cancel with the business directly before contacting Groupon.
  • Groupon Booking Guarantee: If the merchant is unable to book the stay you want before the book-by date, we'll refund your purchase.

Note: Some properties may allow out-of-policy exceptions in extreme circumstances. While Groupon cannot guarantee a refund, we recommend that you reach out to the merchant directly.

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