Using Expired Groupons

If you have an expired Groupon, you can often still use it with the merchant for the amount you paid for the deal. The expiration date found on your Groupon refers to the date that the value listed on the deal page—also known as the promotional value—is no longer valid.

For example, if you paid $10 for $20 worth of food at a local restaurant, $20 is the promotional value of the deal. After expiration, your Groupon is still valid for $10 worth of food at that restaurant.

Good to Know

  • Your expired Groupon is only valid toward the goods or services originally included in the deal.
  • Some deals are unusable once they expire. Check the Fine Print for details. These can include Groupon Getaways booking calendar deals, Groupon Getaways Market Pick deals, and most but not all ticketed events.
  • If your Groupon can be used after expiration, the Fine Print will state "Amount paid never expires."
  • If you have any trouble using your expired Groupon for the paid value, we'd love to help. You can get in touch with our customer support team below.

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